As a software engineer, I strive to be a continuous learner. With my main focus being cloud development, there always seems to be a new service, new runtime, or new API that needs to be integrated. So while work keeps me on my toes, I have started to enjoy teaching others as much as learning myself. Therefore I’m hoping that this site reaches others and teaches something.

Reach out on Github, LinkedIn, or Twitter below with any questions, suggestions, or improvements. Like I said, I’m always eager to learn - so let me know if I’m not clear and concise, can improve my methods, or I’m wrong.


  • CQRS and Event Sourcing with Azure Functions and Cosmos DB

    Early in my development career, I learned how to create a basic REST API with the Slim PHP framework. This basic API defined resources and allowed a developer to perform basic CRUD operations against thouse resources. As I grew, I learned that direct database manipulation isn’t always the best approach to designing an API. Resource constraints and scaling led to a need for something more robust. This is where I found out about CQRS and event sourcing.

  • Docker DevSecOps with Trivy

    Recently at work our team introduced docker vulnerability scanning into our DevOps pipelines. This allows our team to quickly review any patchable vulnerabilities in our containers and prevents us from deploying known vulnerabilities into our public environments. We accomplished this through the use of a free container scanning tool called Trivy.

  • Setting up my Github Pages Site with Jekyll

    Growing as a software engineer means continually learning via projects, committing to open source, teaching, and mentoring. I’ve decided to start revamping my Github profile to document some of my learnings with some of the things mentioned above. The first step in this is creating a personal site to host my resume and start a blog.