Docker DevSecOps with Trivy
Recently at work our team introduced docker vulnerability scanning into our DevOps pipelines. This allows our team to quickly review any patchable vulnerabilities in our containers and prevents us from deploying known vulnerabilities into our public environments. We accomplished this through the use of a free container scanning tool called Trivy.
We used Trivy because it is free to integrate, maintains an up to date database of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs), and provides Docker images to allow quick and easy addition into our automation pipelines. In this post, my goal is to explain a little about the importance of scanning built containers for vulnerabilities, give a brief introduction to Trivy, how our team included this into our automation pipelines, and how we patch base image vulnerabilities.
Importance of Docker Scanning
I’m not going to spend too much time documenting the importance of security in development of applications and their deployment mechanisms. Liran Tal over at Snyk (another great option for vulnerability scanning - even built directly into the Docker CLI) has a great article written on hacking a vulnerable and official Node image. You can see his article here.
Trivy Introduction
Trivy was found by our team to be the cheapest and quickest way to get vulnerability scanning into our automation pipeline when we started using Docker to containerize our applications. Using Trivy can also be done using Docker so no extra tool installs are needed. However, you can install Trivy locally if you wish - here are the instructions. From the command line, running a container scan is as simple as
docker run --rm aquasec/trivy image
This command will pull the Trivy image, update the vulnerability database, and scan the provided image with tag. In this case, I am scanning the V4 image of the Azure Functions dotnet runtime. Once done running, the output should look something like this (granted there are no vulnerabilities). (debian 11.1)
Total: 0 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 0, MEDIUM: 0, HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 0)
The next step for us was including this in our automation pipelines. With the docker image, all we needed was a simple script and some extra command line parameters. After pulling the image to the build server, the script ended up being the following.
docker run --rm \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v $HOME/Library/Caches:/root/.cache/ \
-v "$(pwd):/src" \
aquasec/trivy image \
--exit-code 0 \
--severity LOW,MEDIUM \
--ignore-unfixed \
--no-progress \
--format template --template "@contrib/junit.tpl" \
-o src/junit-report-low-med.xml \
docker run --rm \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v $HOME/Library/Caches:/root/.cache/ \
-v "$(pwd):/src" \
aquasec/trivy image \
--exit-code 1 \
--severity HIGH,CRITICAL \
--ignore-unfixed \
--no-progress \
--format template --template "@contrib/junit.tpl" \
-o src/junit-report-high-critical.xml \
Of course this ended up a little more complicated than the first CLI run of the tool. Let me explain the command line parameters and why there are 2 calls.
First, there are some -v
calls to Docker - this creates volumes to share data between the local
filesystem and the image’s filesystem. This is needed to output the scan results.
In the first command, we set the exit code to 0 with the --exit-code
parameter. However, this scan
is only looking at LOW and MEDIUM CVEs via the --severity
parameter. We do not fail the build if
there are any LOW or MEDIUM CVEs, hence the 0 exit code.
The --ignore-unfixed
parameter only alerts us of fixable vulnerabilities. We can’t patch
vulnerabilites that don’t have a fix yet. The --no-progress
parameter hides the database update
output. This is just to keep the build server output cleaner.
The last 2 parameters - --format
and -o
are used to style the output in junit format and save the
report to the provided location on the local filesystem.
The differences in the 2 commands are the change in exit code to 1 and the severity to HIGH/CRITICAL. If there are any high/critical CVEs that are patchable, we fail the build and patch the image.
We run this script at 2 points in our automation pipelines. First, we build an image on PR for
testing. Once the image is built, the image is scanned. If it fails, the PR cannot be merged into
main. The second place we run this is a nightly scan on the latest
tag for every container we build.
If the build fails, a message is sent to our team members via Microsoft Teams and we patch the
vulnerability and get that into prod as quickly as possible. Both of these are required because there
may not be a PR for every image each day.
The open question is what if there is a high/critical CVE that is not patched in your image? This question crossed our mind as well. If there’s no fix available, we decided whether to allow the deployment or not on a case by case basis. Let me know if your team does something different.
Patching Images
Most of the containers we build are just adding a DLL to a runtime image for Azure Functions. There are 2 different methods to patching containers - patch each container via its Dockerfile or create a base image that each of your applications use. Each has their tradeoffs.
Patching a base image is easier in terms of where to change. For example, when we first started looking into the V4 runtime of Azure Functions there was a vulnerability in libc that needed patching. A patched base image file looks like this for Azure Functions V4.
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends linux-libc-dev=5.10.70-1 && \
apt-get clean && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
CMD [ "/azure-functions-hot/Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script.WebHost" ]
line shows what image is being patched. The RUN
line updates the packages, installs
the patched library version, and cleans the apt cache to keep the image small. Lastly, the CMD
line is taken from the base image to keep the entry point the same for child containers.
The hard part here is managing a base image and alerting all child containers that they need to be rebuilt. With Azure DevOps, this can be done via [pipeline triggers][trigger-linkl]. There are also probably other ways.
Patching a child image is done the same way. The difference is you would take the apt-get install
line and add it to each of your images using the dotnet:4-slim
base image. Additionally, you may
have to add the other lines as well if you are not using a RUN
command at all in your child image.
However, this will have to be done in each container. So if you have 10 Function Apps running on V4,
you will have to add this patch to every Dockerfile.
Wrap Up
I hope this article gave you some insight on how you could use Trivy in your Docker automation to patch CVEs. As always, let me know if an area needs more clarification or you have any questions. Contact links are in the footer.